Next Program Runs in November 2022!
Dating Solved
A program to help reduce & eliminate suffering in dating
This program is for you if:
You catch yourself being agreeable and not telling the truth.
You don’t trust that your date is telling the truth when they say they’re interested in you.
You think other people have it really easy in their dating life and that something is missing for you.
You obsess over your date in the first few months and monitor their behaviour to prove they may leave you.
You think something may be missing inside of you that other women have.
Why I Created Dating Solved
What’s included in my transformation?
How to solve any problem in dating
Many of you come to me complaining that the other person is the reason why the beginning stages of dating are rocky. But I have great news for you… you’re in full control! In module one, I’ll be showing you how to do some groundbreaking thought work that will support you to take your power back and feel more easy breezy and have more fun!
How to feel better
Bumps are normal, especially in the beginning stages of dating. Naturally, they’re going to cause some negative emotions. The problem isn’t the feeling… the problem is that you believe the feeling is bad and you judge and criticize it and then react on the outside. In this module, I’m going to show you how to own your negative emotions and navigate this in relationships.
How to be yourself
How many dates have you gone on where you lied and said you were into something when you really weren’t? Tell the truth! It’s common. So many of you tell me that you don’t know how to be yourself. You don’t know what clothes you like to wear, what food you like to eat or how much money you want to make. In this module, you’ll get crystal clear on what it looks like to be YOU so you can call in an aligned partner.
How to tap into your sensuality & sexuality
Have you ever considered what turns you on? Is it someone’s smell? How about the way they taste? Or maybe it’s a specific sight? Or a sound they make or you make? How about a texture? The way we access pleasure is through delighting in what feels good in our bodies. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ and honouring ourselves can be the difference between what’s meant for us and what’s not.
Understanding men and how they show up in dating
In this session, Stefanos Sifandos will provide the history of men and how their evolution and behaviour were impacted by the industrial revolution, the paradigm shift that’s needed and how men are reclaiming themselves through Men’s Work. Stefanos will also be coaching within the session.
Start the dating process
In this module, I’ll teach you how to decide whether to call in your partner on an online dating site or through other methods (or both!). Whichever method you go with, you’ll learn the step-by-step process that I built for myself and have taught many others. I promise you, you’ll start to see immediate results!
One of the things I think that makes relationships a lot easier is to make room for EVERYTHING. Make room for your humanness. And the other person’s humanness. This skill is also transferable to growing a great business and making great money.
$666.00 USD
5-Week Schedule
Tuesday, September 6
Tuesday, September 13
Tuesday, September 20
Tuesday, September 27
Tuesday, October 4
Sessions start at 3:00pm PST / 6:00pm EST and are 75 mins in length.
All sessions are live and replays will be sent out within 24-48 hours.
Meet Kathryn
For close to a decade, Kathryn has been unpacking her childhood to understand why she always felt like something was missing. At the age of 33, under the pressure of many undesirable circumstances, her hair began falling out rapidly. It was during this time that she went to her first therapy session and was shocked to learn that not only had she experienced a traumatic childhood but that she had been stuck living in survival mode ever since.
The impacts of growing up with emotionally immature parents were plenty: from navigating chaos and dysfunction at home to becoming estranged from her father (who then died when Kathryn was 18), cheating her way through university, getting caught stealing at 24, racking up $100K in debt, excessive drinking and toxic relationships.
Today, Kathryn is a Master Coach and behaviour specialist who has turned her trauma into her calling. She supports thousands of people worldwide in identifying why they continue to create undesirable results when they dream of so much more. In 2021, she founded the Be Seen program which offers compassionate support and practical tools to women who are on a journey to reclaiming who they truly are. A Coach who is trauma-informed and somatically trained, she focuses on the whole human and brings a holistic approach to bringing people back home to themselves.
Stefanos Sifandos
Stefanos is a trained educator and relationship expert with a background in behavioural science. He is passionate about leading people closer to their highest potential. He helps men and women escape negative patterns and cultivate a positive sense of self as well as restructuring and re-framing their relationships with themselves and their loved ones.